I agree that sex workers are brave. I have friends who are strippers, cam girls, even others who are in similar sugar relationships. I love their friendship because of their openness to discuss things that are subjectively taboo. And their stories; some good, some bad.
I also agree that it was her body, her choice. I wondered why she would do that, but that doesn’t imply that I would ever prevent her from doing what she wanted. By that same token, it’s also my decision to choose my relationships. In this case, her past was something that I didn’t want in an intimate partner. I would worry about what would happen if my family found out. Or if we were out, I would wonder if other men had seen her on the site and how it would reflect on me.
So I think to say that it had no effect on me is untrue. For example, if I had found out that she was racist toward Asians or hurt animals for fun (neither are true), I would have reacted the same way. Ultimately, everyone has a past coming into a relationship and the point I was trying to communicate is to proactively define what ‘past’ is tolerable.